Munchin’ Matsus: It’s ALWAYS Cookie Time!

Hey, it’s Lisa.

I finally get to start on this blog post! My sister‘s been nagging me to post this for ages, oops. Check out her side of the story here!

Brief introduction: my sister and I decided to start a semi-conjoined blog post(s) by exploring similar foods in different locations (Tokyo and Vancouver) to conquer our long distance sistership and also just to make our hearts and stomachs full.
We decided to call this International Nibbles (posts to come!). As a bigger part of this, we made Munchin’ Matsus, a series where we go places and eat together and blog about it. Complicated but the main point is, Munchin’ Matsus is done when we’re together and International Nibbles is a branch of this – our long distance eating-different-things-of-the-same-theme branch.

Back to the story. I’m leaving REAL soon to Canada (today actually) so my sister and I decided to reserve a day to hang out with each other.

We went to Harajuku where the Tokyo branch of Cookie Time (Japanese website here), a New Zealand based cookie company, is and devoured 3 big cookies, an ice cream cookie sandwich and a bottle of milk that comes with a mini cookie on top! You can get free milk refills and can also ask to have the glass bottle washed so you can take it home with you as a small souvenir (they put it in a cute little box shaped like a milk carton).

My sister’s got more on the prices and all but what can I say, it’s Harajuku, it’s Tokyo, it’s bound to be a little pricey. Also the last time I went with my guy friend, SH, he ordered a milkshake and it took forever for them to prepare it. While the wait in line to order itself is pretty long, the wait to get what you ordered is even longer so you have to be pretty patient. They do have around 4 to 5 staff behind the counter but only one takes on the register (PRO: you have plenty of time to decide what you want to order – trust me, unless you are a VERY decisive person, you will have a hard time making a choice). With all the orders they get, it’s understandable that the people making the milkshakes and filling up the milk bottles can’t keep up to speed. The cookies are all definitely worth the price and wait though so don’t worry about that.

From white chocolate and cranberries to double fudge chocolate, there are no mistakes to be made (at least from what I’ve tried so far).

Very short blog post coming from me this time but I do highly recommend going here, whether in Tokyo or the original Queenstown store!


2 Comments Add yours

  1. sayayaa21 says:

    Can’t wait for all the international nibbling to come 😻 (though I’ll miss you 😭)


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